Friday 5 July 2013

Welcome to Hong Kong

Departed from London Heathrow Airport on the 27th June 2013 @ 12:30pm.
Arrived in Hong Kong on the 28th June 2013 @ 7:10am. 

After what felt like a relatively quick flight (12 hours) we touched down in Hong Kong bright and early. After wandering around the airport and then waiting a while for our luggage (we just didn't recognise our suitcase) we finally went through the gates to be met by my boyfriend's parents. Even though I was warned by my boyfriend and all his friends numerous times that it would be boiling, that I would suffer and that it would take me a while to adapt, and after choosing to ignore all of them, lo and behold we walk out of the airport and I get hit by this huge wave of heat. However the heat, I can deal with, the humidity not so much. A usual day in Hong Kong is around 30°C and 75%H. On the bright side? EVERYWHERE in Hong Kong has air-con! So after about an hour's drive we arrive at our destination for the next two months: Sheug Shui, which is part of the New Territories in the Northern part of Hong Kong.   .   ...  The first day we stayed at the house, unpacking whilst I was getting used to my new surroundings. That night his parents took us out for Japanese. The first thing I noticed is, yes it is still ridiculously hot outside but secondly it gets dark a lot sooner than it does in Europe, by 7pm the sun had set.

These are a few pictures that I took of Sheung Shui on my second day. We wandered around the town center and finished off by going to buy fresh food in the Market. Markets here are far cheaper than they are in Western Europe and the food in my opinion is much better. 

The picture on the left is of sun dried fish which is often used to make soup, that is extremely popular in HK, you can find these little shops in pretty much every town. But the smell that comes from the fish is AWFUL, however don't let that put you off trying the soup, it is amazing!