
Welcome to View from the Plane (VFTPlane)

This blog was originally created to keep in contact with my family whilst I was travelling. I thought that it would be an easier option than sending everyone generic emails and waiting forever to be able to attach 10 good quality photos. It would also give them an insight to everything that was going on!

 Where did your love for travelling come from?:
My love for travelling came from my parents. Growing up I was very privileged and I was able to travel around Europe and to South Africa.
♡ What has travelling taught you?:
Travelling has certainly taught me to be tolerant. I always travel with an open-mind and make sure to try things that aren't necessarily in my comfort-zone. It has also taught be to be prepared for everything! 
 What camera do you use?:
I use as Nikon D3000.
 How do you finance your holidays?:
Usually my parents help me fund my holidays, by either lending me money (which I do have to payback unfortunately), or by giving me money on special occasions (birthdays and Christmas.) The rest of the money comes from summer job and odd-jobs that I do during the year.
 Where is your favourite place on earth?:
I will always say home. Even though I love travelling, "Home is where the heart is"
 What was your worst holiday experience?:
My worst holiday experience has to be the October break I took with my family to Corsica, in either 2002 or 2003. (For those of you that don't know Corsica is made up of two departments and is situated just off the south of France.) The whole two weeks it rained, the food wasn't that great and everytime we would go out we would get caught in the fog and severe winds which made getting back to the holiday villa, a million times harder. I have never since been back and I am always very hesitant as whether to go back or not.


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